lunes, 21 de diciembre de 2015


Students of year 3 ( group D) did a poetry reading at our school!

¡La clase de 3º D hizo hoy un recital de poesía!

Marta M. read this poem in English:
Marta M leyó este poema en inglés:

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

We´re wishing you a Christmas
full of laughter, love and light,
with delicious holidays food
to excite your appettite.

We´re hoping you receive
delightful gifts to make you smile
with family and friends
to love you all the while.

We wish you a Merry Christmas,
May your Christmas dreams come true,
and when Christmas is over,
Happy New Year too!!!!

viernes, 18 de diciembre de 2015



Christmas is coming and we love listening to music...

In this time of the year we love listening to  Christmas Carols.
This one is very old but it tells you the story of Jesus Christ when he was born on Christmas Day.

Ya pronto es Navidad y nos encanta escuchar música...
En esta época del año nos encanta escuchar villancicos.
Éste es antiguo pero nos dice la historia el nacimiento de Jesús el día de Navidad.


Long time ago in Bethlehem so the Holy Bible said 
Mary's Boy Child  Jesus Christ was born on Christmas Day. 
Hark now hear the angels sing a King was born today 
and man will live forever more because of Christmas Day 

Mary's Boy Child  Jesus Christ was born on Christmas Day. 

While shepherds watched their flocks by night they see a bright new shining star 
they hear a choir sing a song the music seemed to come from afar. 
Hark now hear the angels sing a King was born today 
and man will live forever more because of Christmas Day 

For a moment the world was aglow all the bells rang out 
there were tears of joy and laughter 
people shouted let everyone know there is hope for all to find peace. 

Now Joseph and his wife Mary came to Bethlehem that night 
they found no place to bear their child not a single room was in sight 
and then they found a little nook in a stable all forlorn 
and in a manger cold and dark Mary's little boy was born 

Hark now hear the angels sing a King was born today 
and man will live for evermore because of Christmas Day 
Mary's Boy Child 
Jesus Christ was born on Christmas Day. 

For a moment the world was aglow 
all the bells rang out there were tears of joy and laughter 
people shouted let everyone know there is hope for all to find peace….

viernes, 27 de noviembre de 2015


El próximo lunes día 30 de noviembre a las 16:00 horas tendrá lugar una reunión para pedir colaboración para reforzar la lengua inglesa.
Si quieres colaborar, estás invitado.
¡Muchas gracias por vuestra colaboración!

Next 30th of November, Monday at 4:00 p.m., we will have a parents meeting who want to help us to improve the English language.
If you want to help, you are welcome.
Thank you for your help!!

jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2015



Thanksgiving is a national holiday in the United States. It is celebrated each year on the fourth Thursday in November. On this day, families gather together, and many people say prayers of thanks for the years blessings. In many homes, a big dinner of roast turkey and dressing is served. Thanksgiving is traditionally a harvest festival. Similar festivals are celebrated in many parts of the world to give thanks after the years crops have been safely harvested. Canada celebrates its Thanksgiving the second Monday in October.

You can read more:

jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2015


Today is 5th of November, and we learnt about Bonfire Night.

Four hundred years ago, a man called Guy Fawkes planned to kill King James by blowing up The Houses of Parliament. It was called  The Gunpowder Plot but it failed.
On the 5th of November, throughout Britain, they commemorate the capture of Guy Fawkes with bonfires and fireworks and by burning an effigy of Guy.

You can watch this video to know more about it ;)

martes, 3 de noviembre de 2015


El día 30 de octubre celebramos Halloween en el colegio. A la entrada se escuchaba esta canción de fondo mientras veías todo decorado.

October, 30th we celebrated Halloween at school. At the front door, you could listen to this song while you were walking and watching all decorations :)

También bailamos entre todos Thriller, de Mickael Jackson.

We danced all together Thriller, by Mickael Jackson.

jueves, 29 de octubre de 2015

HALLOWEEN: Halloween Night

It is funny and scary... ;)


Como sabéis se acerca Halloween...
¿Queréis saber todo sobre Halloween? Visita la página web: Wanda Witch´s House

Pinchad la calabaza!!!

As you know Halloween is coming...
Do you want to know all about Halloween? You can visit the website: Wanda Witch´s House.

Press the pumpkin!!!

viernes, 16 de octubre de 2015

Ayuda y actividades extras para el alumnado de Primaria en Inglés con Oxford / Help and extra activities for students in Primary Education with Oxford

Como sabéis en este curso escolar estamos trabajando con el método de Oxford ( Rooftops) en el área de Inglés. Oxford ofrece a nuestros alumnos una página web en la que podéis ver el ebook, actividades de clase, juegos y los audios del libro. Para acceder a Oxford Online Zone hay dos maneras:
 1. Seguir las instrucciones que adjunto y escribir el código que llevan los alumnos en las agendas.
 2. Seguid las instrucciones que vienen al final de cada Class Book.

Recordad que el libro es Rooftops y el número es el curso al que pertenecen.

As you know in this school year we are working with the method of Oxford (Rooftops) in the area of English. Oxford offers our students a website where you can see the ebook, class activities, games and audio book. To access Oxford Online Zone there are two ways:
  1. Follow the instructions attached and write the code that students wrote on the agenda.
  2. Follow the instructions at the end of each Class Book.

Remember that the book is Rooftops and the number is the school year which they belong to.

viernes, 9 de octubre de 2015


Esta semana hemos tenido la gran suerte de tener un planetario ( cedido por la Caixa) en nuestro colegio. Todo el alumnado ha podido disfrutar de esta bonita experiencia como una de las actividades dentro de la programación.

Los alumnos y alumnas de 5 años están trabajando en este trimestre sobre los Astronautas y el Cosmos... Y también en inglés. ¡Han aprendido hasta sobre Space Food ( Comida de los astronautas)!

This week we were very lucky because we have had a Planetarium ( thanks to Caixa Foundation) at our school. All student enjoyed themselves about this nice experience inside our curriculum.

Students in Pre-School ( 5 years old) are working on Astronauts and Space... In English too!! They learnt about Space Food!!

lunes, 5 de octubre de 2015


En Infantil, dentro de nuestra rutina, nos encanta cantar y bailar este video sobre el tiempo.

In Pre-school, every morning, we love singing & dancing this video about the weather.

jueves, 10 de septiembre de 2015

Bienvenidos a nuestro centro: CEIP Mª TERESA LEÓN

Desde el blog bilingüe, os vamos a informar y a mostrar todas las actividades que vamos a realizar durante el curso escolar. Deseamos que disfrutéis con ellas y que sean útiles.

Welcome to our school: CEIP Mª TERESA LEÓN

By means of this bilingual blog, we hope to inform and show you all the bilingual activities that we are going to do this school year. We hope that you enjoy them and that they prove useful to you.

Este curso 2015/2016 va a ser nuestro primer año de Bilingüismo en el que vamos a establecer unas bases lingüísticas en nuestro colegio.
Se iniciará la introducción de la lengua extranjera (L2) ( inglés) en todos los grupos de Infantil ( 3, 4 y 5 años) con una hora y media de clase en inglés a la semana. En Primaria, al ser nuestro primer año, se han elegido las áreas de Ciencias Naturales y Sociales en L2.

This school year 2015/2016 will be our first year of Bilingualism in which we will establish a linguistic basis in our school.
The introduction of the foreign language (L2) (English) will be in all groups in Infantil (3, 4 and 5 years) with an hour and a half of English class in a week. In Primary, being our first year, we have chosen the areas of Natural and Social Science in L2.